Sunday, November 6, 2011

"OIL CAN" what???

We're almost there! (So sorry for the painfully obvious end of the yellowbrick road style analogy title)
But it's true! We are SO close to shooting the pilot that it's bizarre how much I'm not freaking out yet.

There is a melt down in the works, I'm sure, but for now my brain hasn't had time to take a break from the non stop preparations to fully process our proximity to production. That certainly was a "p"-word heavy sentence, huh?

WELL, moving on, in order to tie up some loose ends, we've reopened our fund raising trench coat to expose our inadequacies to the public. I should edit myself, but I won't. I just...can't. And we're going with Indiegogo this time. They have a neat approach to fundraising. As opposed to the kickstarter angle where you need to reach the goal to get the money, indiegogo just asks for a small percentage of whatever funds you raise. It's neat. I recommend it to the up and coming fundraisers out there.

Please check it out here.  Here I mean, not there.

Any and all monies you give us goes to ensuring the safe and complete production of the pilot. We really need it and are so grateful to everyone who helps support this project. We're grateful to anyone who wishes us well, even if you can't donate anything, pass it along to friends. It really is an "anything you can do helps" sort of situation.

Thank you everyone. This has been a fantastic time and I can't wait to share our show with you.


Kevin J. Kelly, Jr.

Say hello to Linus Van Buren!

Scram and Jef at rehearsals

And last but not least, Kevin, Jef and Adam! The happiest, creepiest Team Ever!

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